Saturday 18 December 2010

Fack Packs

This is cool.
Nuff said really.
I am failing miserably at my doing something interesting or creative. Failing by a week of nothingness.
Better get going.

Saturday 11 December 2010

To do do do do, to do do do.

Let's be honest, I can't really be bothered to update you blog. There's lots more going on in the outside world. You know, reality. Plus, I'm cheating on you with my 8 o' clock blog. Harsh reality.

Currently doing a little project for the Christmas break called The First Day of Thirty. The basic jist is that I have 30 days off for the festive season and that's a lot of days to be sitting around watching Christmas movies and drinking mulled wine. The aim is to do something creative, interesting or new for each of these days. I'm on day one; helped out a friend with her photography project. I have a feeling I'm going to get stuck with this pretty soon! Will take a lot of mental effort to not slip into my lazy ways.

Got a lot to do over the Christmas season. In fact, I might treat you to my to do list.
History of Art and Design essay (for Tuesday)
Weather project
Pocket Archive
The First Day of Thirty project
Revamp on all projects from this term
Ju Jitsu logo
Design Christmas cards
Help clear out mother's house
Earn some money
See friends and family

I'm sure there's more. I'm also sure 30 days isn't enough!