Saturday 30 April 2011

Pint of enthusiasm, ta.

Hey there blog! I'm in a bit of a pickle.

The Self Initiated Project deadline for my first year at Kingston is threateningly close now. Not just in a taunting way anymore; in a very realistic way. The situation probably isn't helped by the 'I turned up to my crit without any work and all the other projects were excellent' dream this morning.

So my current plan is to fully recollect this aforementioned dream, write down all the ideas and pass them off as my own. Which technically they are, thanks virtual coursemates!

In reality, I need to figure out what I'm going to present à la critique.
I've figured out an algebraic formula for enthusiasm which I am sure any decent mathematician or educated person would laugh in the face of, but it's something to work with plus it took me a very long time.

I'd love to create something that could simulate or produce enthusiasm for the user. There's a bit of a catch 22 though. It's all very well knowing the factors required for being enthusiastic, but if you're not enthused, can you really be bothered to read through a formula making sure everything is up to scratch? No. It's easy enough to think "Hey, things would probably be a bit better if I did a bit of exercise or try to hydrate." but actually getting up and going for that jog or remembering to drink those 6-8 pints of water can be an entirely different story for some.

What is needed here is something easy, accessible and enjoyable. Something that doesn't take a lot of initial input but that can somehow get the momentum of enthusiasm going. Maybe something that begins as simple leisure, procrastination or perhaps a comfort. Tricky.

I was discussing this with Adam yesterday and we came up with a few Rube Goldberg style machines on the theme of momentum, mainly involving cogs, light bulbs and water with a heavy sway towards user interaction to demonstrate that enthusiasm requires effort and that it can't just be instant.

Another idea was to display how unattainable enthusiasm actually is or can feel. Glass case?

Hmm... I am a little lost.

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