Saturday, 18 December 2010

Fack Packs

This is cool.
Nuff said really.
I am failing miserably at my doing something interesting or creative. Failing by a week of nothingness.
Better get going.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

To do do do do, to do do do.

Let's be honest, I can't really be bothered to update you blog. There's lots more going on in the outside world. You know, reality. Plus, I'm cheating on you with my 8 o' clock blog. Harsh reality.

Currently doing a little project for the Christmas break called The First Day of Thirty. The basic jist is that I have 30 days off for the festive season and that's a lot of days to be sitting around watching Christmas movies and drinking mulled wine. The aim is to do something creative, interesting or new for each of these days. I'm on day one; helped out a friend with her photography project. I have a feeling I'm going to get stuck with this pretty soon! Will take a lot of mental effort to not slip into my lazy ways.

Got a lot to do over the Christmas season. In fact, I might treat you to my to do list.
History of Art and Design essay (for Tuesday)
Weather project
Pocket Archive
The First Day of Thirty project
Revamp on all projects from this term
Ju Jitsu logo
Design Christmas cards
Help clear out mother's house
Earn some money
See friends and family

I'm sure there's more. I'm also sure 30 days isn't enough!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

They burnt our pier down.

I leave Hastings and it all goes to shit. Gosh knows what'll happen now. Perhaps I'll go back soon, settle the peace. I feel holy.
Poetry by Chris.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


I feel as though I have not one anything creative for a while. I've been churning out birthday cards like noone's business, but I'm not sure how much they can actually count.

I've tried to watch No Country For Old Men twice now. I'm wondering whether it's possible to consume this film without being stolen by sleep.

Nothing going in, nothing coming out.

All change soon though, fingers crossed. Luck is a state of mind though, we'll have you know.

More sleep. More. Sleep.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


Being the rubbish sister that I am, I still haven't given mine a birthday present. This is fairly poor performance seeing as her birthday was in December. Given that I still can't get out of her precisely what she wants, I thought I'd give her the cash for the new bookcase she needs.

How much are bookcases?


I still don't really know, but I did stumble across this excellent post on CreativeCloud:

I especially love number 6, the cave bookshelf and shall be expecting one from Santa when I get a decent pad.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Well, I did the wordsearch and the KenKen.

I feel very disconnected from the world today. The closest I've gotten to the news is drawing a Hitler moustache on a photo of Rhianna in some paper or another. I'm not sure it was even today's paper. Turns out I must be one of the millions of morons dooming this world with our content ignorance. I don't know what's going on politically or economically, but I've got a vague idea of what finally happened in Lost, a programme I've never even watched. I'd say I was living in my own little bubble, but I think that glorifies matters a bit too much. A bubble could be pretty fun, if not quirky.

My May (it is May, right?) resolution is to read more blogs and books. Not just blogs and books that I feel I should be reading, as that would be pretty short lived knowing my attention span. The hunting boots and machette are out; here bloggy bloggy blogs...

An oodle for my friend below. Good old pencil and Photoshop. Shoddy linework, does the job.

I never meant to let you down..

Monday, 17 May 2010

I like Pina Coladas. Not so keen on getting caught in the rain.

New favourite website:

I simply stumbled upon this place but I've found so many gems on there. I especially love (love love) the stuff on the blog. There's too many to post on here without turning into designerscouch myself, really.

I can't decide if I find Karl Persson's paintings disturbing or enchanting, which is probably why I'm finding them so fascinating. I'll keep you posted on that, maybe. (You know I won't).
Link: thanks to (another link) DesignersCouch.

In other news, I morph into an undergraduate in a few months. Soon I will be an unrecognisable monster buried in artstuff and paper, emitting the ghastly stench of cider and noodles. They'll discover me in three years time under a mouldy layer of baked beans, impaled on an HB pencil and wonder, "What the hell happened?" Sounds glamourous, huh? I am terrified of the workload. Literally shitting a brick*

Anthony Gormley's exhibition is in town. I should probably check that out; looks good.

*No, not literally literally.

Monday, 29 March 2010

I once fell in love with you...

...just because the sky turned from grey into blue. Call me a cat and rattle those bells, CoCoRosie are playing at the DLWP, yes!! My wages are poorly already.

I must say, wee Charlie Saatchi has anti-done me proud by releasing another Q&A book. No interviews, indeed. Still gonna read it though - the questioning seems a bit more trivial than in the first one.

My my, that was a short blog. I do apologise but I have some dinner to consume. Cheerio!*

*(No, I'm not having Cheerios for dinner...)

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Too many M&M's, perhaps?

I won't lie - I'm at the end of my tether with my Mac. Only because I'm struggling to use it properly. Same goes for html. Luckily, the invention of E numbers has intervened and I think that's keeping me from simply crawling back into my duvet.

I found a new website called This Isn't Happiness. I love it. I really love it and am prepared to spend hours reading through all of the archive. Swoon.

There's a Holden thought for you.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Hyper Text Mark Up Llama

Howdy-do, blog. Long time no see, and I apologise for that.

I'm finally getting my bits and bobs into gear and claiming back my online presence. After quite a while staring at TextEdit thinking "Hmm... once upon a time I knew html.." it turned out that, yes, I do remember some of the basics. Luckilly Simple Viewer have created a free online gallery for any Tom, Dick, Harry or Kirsty to use, so there's no horrible nitty gritty stuff that I need to get into. Lazy? Yes, I suppose, but the galleries look lovley and clean and simple and I will have the piece of mind that stray bits of code aren't going to ruin the whole lot. I'm going to call it using my resources wisely.

I'll let you know how that goes.

Also meant to be designing a logo by... Wednesday I believe. This is giving me another kick in the right direction as I need to get to grips with the creative sweeties in the creative suite.

Current downfall: Loss of camera memory card, A1 folder, iPod, hubcap and mobile phone.
There is definately a destructive field surrounding me this week.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Hanging out with fleas, are we?

It seems like I need to get used to logging into to me wee ol' blog here.

Well how about this? I just watched a snippet about Tracey Emin holding a stall at the Christmas Flea Market held at the Tate. Call me a cynic, but 'coasting off of one's reputation' springs to mind. Art folk, jee. Don't mind me, I think I'm just a little shocked at the far from pretty face. I don't think I've ever seen the woman behind the unmade bed before.


To leave on a brighter note, check out this:

'Bleeding hearts' by Krista Huot. What can I say? It's a favourite. Ten points to anybody that lets me know how to pronounce Krista's surname.

I have a few unfinished sketches to go up, but a little too unfinished to make it yet. Watch this space.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

I think this is the future.

Sitting here like a slob..

When I get everything done, I'm allowed to open my Hat book. It looks so nice, and red.

Slob slob slob; yes, I'm still in my pyjamas.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Woodland Scene

Finally starting to appreciate the magic of freshly sharpened pencil. No more slobbery for me.

There's no colour in this little oodle yet, but I'm currently having Photoshop difficulties. When I say Photoshop difficulties, in this instance I mean that I'm having a little trouble remembering the in's and out's of what I'm trying to do. Poor sis got the hand drawn version for a birthday card rather than what could have been a souped up colour bonanza. What a loser.

(How big do images display on BSp? We shall see...)